Interim Moderator
Rev. Alton Ruff
The Kirk-Session at Emmanuel
Session is one of the four courts of the Presbyterian Church in Canada and is the highest decision-making body in any congregation. The Session of Emmanuel is a group of elected Elders including the Minister. Our congregation’s Session is made up of seven dedicated Elders and our Minister who sees to the Spiritual guidance of our congregation as well as providing good governance and wisdom.
Members of Session are elected by the congregation from the members of the congregation and given a mandate to provide prayerful support, membership care, guidance and spiritual leadership to the church and community. Our Session meets once each month, and may also have a joint meeting with the Board of Managers. Meet the members of our Kirk-Session below:
Robert Marritt: Clerk of Session
Lynne Dodd: Representative Elder to Presbytery
Kathryn Bloomfield George Dodd Sandy Marritt
The Board of Managers
At Emmanuel, the Board of Managers is a group of volunteers drawn from our Church membership that oversee all financial and building management issues and concerns. They do this through careful thought and prayer as followers of Christ. The Board works closely with Session to whom they are also accountable.
The Board does many things. Its tasks can be divided up into two groups:
- Care of the Church building and
- Stewardship of the Church finances.
These tasks range from simple lawn care, building security and upkeep, snow shoveling to undertaking major renovations within the Church as well as investing and spending monies on behalf of the Church. Meet the members of our Board of Manager’s below:
Debra Currie: Chairperson
Diane Collins: Vice Chair
Stan Gerynowicz: Secretary
Gary Milne
George Dodd
Rae Hockley